media room

News items and press releases

Maala 2024 Conference

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December 31, 2024

Danna Azrieli, Chairwoman of the Azrieli Group and the Azrieli Foundation Israel, in conversation with Tamar Yassur, Chairwoman of Maala and Isracard, at the Maala 2024 Conference, which was held at the Eretz Israel Museum.

Back to School Campaign

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August 13, 2023

Ahead of the upcoming back-to-school season, Azrieli Group and WIZO invite you to participate in their T-SHARE initiative to donate old school shirts in exchange for new shirts at all Azrieli Group malls across the country


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July 04, 2023

As part of its activities, the Azrieli Group is adopting various goals to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate its environmental footprint. The Group highlights the changes already made in the construction of the new Spiral Tower – and the further initiatives and revolutions expected in the future

Blind Day at Azrieli Malls

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June 15, 2023

As part of the activity taking place at 6 Azrieli malls, shoppers will be able to visit booths run by "Eliya" and experience simulated visual impairments using special glasses while performing everyday tasks

“Every Action for the Environment is Like a Planted Seed”

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May 24, 2023

“If we don’t make the issue accessible to the public, no one will drive a car in the city to recycle clothing,” said Ofer Yarom at the panel “Social Impact – How to Do It Right”


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May 17, 2023

The Azrieli Group's core value of environmental and social responsibility manifests in a variety of practices – from compliance with the world's most stringent green building standards in planning and construction, to massive investment in environmentally-sustainable building operation and management, and a range of community initiatives throughout the country


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May 01, 2023

In addition to construction and management according to the stringent and prestigious LEED standard, the Group initiates diverse sustainable projects throughout the country, receiving positive feedback and collaboration from the community

Independence Day Campaign

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April 02, 2023

In honor of Israel's 75th Independence Day, the Azrieli Group will distribute 25,000 reusable and environmentally-friendly picnic sets as gifts in Azrieli malls across the country

Pitchon Lev’s Recycling Facilities

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March 24, 2023

Introducing the Azrieli Group's Family Recycling Center in partnership with Pitchon Lev, where clothing and electronic waste can be donated and recycled, for environmental conservation and donation of food baskets to support families in need